Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Argonauts, Les Guerilleres, And Dictee - 1283 Words

Power is a very particular thing and can be produced in a multitude of ways. The three texts The Argonauts, Les Guerilleres, and Dictee show this in numerous ways. As a reader, you learn to recognize the power in places you wouldn’t necessarily expect. From being dismantled within a dystopia to exploiting the way bodies serve the world, power has control over everything. There is a sense of power within Les Guerilleres when the women take over and start a war. They are developed within a group of empowerment and their only wish is to start anew, creating a world, or dystopia, different than anything that has ever been seen, completing erasing all that is and was. They believe that a fresh start is the only way that utter happiness can be found and they want the new world to be a paradigm for all that is and can be good. They are controlled by the goddesses that lived before them and by the empowerment that the vagina holds within. Exulting the beauty that they have once they are united, they feel powerful enough to take control and to unify a front that can withstand any battle. Once unified, they continue to grow stronger, and a shield begins to appear around the women that can fight off any weapon that they come in contact with, thus creating an infrangible bond. By exploiting themselves, they are using their power and unity to create a shield that is impermeable. Their bodies are the sprout of their power, and because of this, they are perceived as the world’s most

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